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TupleRef Methods

The TupleRef type exposes the following members.

Public methodAccept
Accept the specified visitor object for the current code object and it's children.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodAcceptAnnotations(IVisitor)
Accept the specified visitor object for all regular (non-EOL, non-Infix, non-Postfix) annotations (comments, attributes, compiler directives).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAcceptAnnotations(IVisitor, AnnotationFlags)
Accept the specified visitor object for all specified Infix or Postfix annotations (comments, compiler directives).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAcceptEOLComments
Accept the specified visitor object for all EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAcceptInfixComments
Accept the specified visitor object for all Infix comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAcceptInfixEOLComments
Accept the specified visitor object for all Infix EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAssociateCommentWhenParsing
Determine if the specified comment should be associated with the current code object during parsing.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodAsString
Render the entire code object as a string, using LFs for newlines.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsText
Convert the code object to text with a trailing newline, and using CR/LF pairs for newlines (file format).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsText(CodeWriter, CodeObjectRenderFlags) (Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodAsText(CodeObjectRenderFlags, Boolean, StackCodeWriterAlignmentState)
Convert the code object to text using the specified flags and format (file or string).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodAsTextAfter (Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextAnnotations(CodeWriter, CodeObjectRenderFlags)
Render all regular (non-EOL, non-Infix, non-Postfix, non-Message) annotations (comments, attributes, compiler directives).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextAnnotations(CodeWriter, AnnotationFlags, CodeObjectRenderFlags)
Render all specified Infix or Postfix annotations (comments, compiler directives).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextArrayRanks
Render array rank brackets (if any) as text.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Protected methodAsTextBefore (Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextEOLComments
Render all EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodAsTextEvaluatedType (Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextExpression (Overrides TypeRefAsTextExpression(CodeWriter, CodeObjectRenderFlags).)
Public methodAsTextInfixComments
Render all Infix comments with the specified mask.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextInfixEOLComments
Render all Infix EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextLeftMostAnnotations
Render all regular annotations on the current object, or the left most binary operator.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextLength
Determine the length of the code object if converted to a string using the specified flags.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAsTextPointers
Render pointers (if any) as text.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodAsTextType (Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodAsTextTypeArguments
Render type arguments (if any) as text.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodAttachAnnotation(Annotation, Boolean) (Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAttachAnnotation(Annotation, AnnotationFlags, Boolean)
Attach an Annotation to the CodeObject at the specified position.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAttachComment
Create a comment object and attach it to the code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAttachEOLComment
Create an EOL comment object and attach it to the code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodAttachMessage
Create a message and attach it to the code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodBoxingConversionExists
Determine if a boxing conversion exists to the specified type. [C# 4.0 section 6.1.7]
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodCalculateMetrics
Calculate metrics for this code object and its children.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodCheckForAlignment
Check for alignment of any EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodClone
Deep-clone the code object.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseClone.)
Protected methodCloneField(Object, Object)
Clone a field of a code object, including setting the parent.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodCloneFieldT(T, T)
Clone a field of a code object, including setting the parent.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodConvertOpenTypeParameters
Convert all OpenTypeParameterRef type arguments to TypeParameterRefs.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodCopyFormatting
Copy formatting from another code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Int32)
Construct a TupleRef from a list of types.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Expression)
Construct a TupleRef from a list of types.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Boolean, Expression)
Construct a TupleRef from a list of types.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Boolean, Int32)
Construct a TupleRef from a list of types.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(ChildListExpression, ListInt32, Int32)
Construct a TupleRef from a list of types.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(ChildListExpression, Boolean, ListInt32, Int32)
Construct a TupleRef from a list of types.
Public methodCreateAnnotations
Create the list of child Annotations, or return the existing one.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodCreateArrayRanks
Create the child list of array ranks, or return the existing one.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodCreateRef
Create a reference to the CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodCreateTypeArguments
Create the child list of type argument Expressions, or return the existing one.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Protected methodDefaultFormat
Default format the code object.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Protected methodDefaultFormatField
Default format the specified child field code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodDefaultNewLines
Determine a default of 1 or 2 newlines when adding items to a Block.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodDispose
Dispose the CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluateType
Evaluate the type of the Expression.
(Overrides TypeRefEvaluateType(Boolean).)
Public methodEvaluateTypeArgumentTypes (Overrides TypeRefBaseEvaluateTypeArgumentTypes(CodeObject, CodeObject, DictionaryObject, Object).)
Public methodEvaluateTypeOrNamespace
Evaluate the Expression to a type or namespace.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodFindExtensionMethod
Find all extension method objects with the given name on the referenced type object.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Protected methodFindNestedTypeArgument (Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodFindParentT
Find the parent object of the specified type.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodFindParentMethod
Find the parent method (or anonymous method or lambda) of the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodFindParentMethodOrType
Find the parent method (or anonymous method or lambda) or type of the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodFindTypeArgument
Find a type argument for the specified type parameter.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodFindTypeArgumentInBase
Find a type argument in a base class for the specified type parameter.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodFindTypeArgumentInTypeArguments
Find a type argument for the specified type parameter in the type arguments of the type.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodFindUserDefinedImplicitConversion
Find any user-defined implicit conversion operator to the specified type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Protected methodFindUserDefinedImplicitConversions
Find all user-defined implicit conversion operators from the current type to any other type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Protected methodFindUserDefinedImplicitConversions(TypeRef, Boolean)
Find all user-defined implicit conversion operators to the specified type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodFirstPrefix
Get the expression on the left of the left-most Dot operator.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodFormatAsArgument
Format an expression assigned as an argument to another code object (turns off any parentheses).
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodGetAllChildrenT
Get an enumerator for all children objects of type T in the CodeObject and in any child CodeObjects (recursively).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetAttribute
Returns the first attribute expression (Call or ConstructorRef) with the specified name on the CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetBaseType
Get the base type of the referenced type.
(Overrides TypeRefGetBaseType.)
Public methodGetComment
Get the comment that satisfies the specified predicate.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetConstantValue
Get the value of any represented constant.
(Overrides TypeRefGetConstantValue.)
Public methodGetConstructor
Get the non-static constructor for the referenced type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetConstructors(Boolean)
Get all (non-static) constructors for the referenced type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetDeclaringType
Get the declaring type.
(Overrides TypeRefGetDeclaringType.)
Public methodGetDelegateParameters
Get the delegate parameters if the expression evaluates to a delegate type.
(Overrides TypeRefGetDelegateParameters.)
Public methodGetDelegateParameterType
Get the type (or null if none) of the delegate parameter with the specified index.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodGetDelegateReturnType
Get the delegate return type if the expression evaluates to a delegate type.
(Overrides TypeRefGetDelegateReturnType.)
Public methodGetDescription
Get a short text description of the CodeObject. This is generally the shortest text representation that uniquely identifies objects, even if they have the same name, for example: type or return type, name, type parameters, parameters.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetDocSummary
Returns the DocSummary documentation comment, or null if none exists.
(Inherited from SymbolicRef.)
Public methodGetElementType
Get the element type of the type reference (if it's an array or pointer, otherwise null).
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodGetEvent
Get the event with the specified name.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetField
Get the field with the specified name.
(Overrides TypeRefGetField(String).)
Public methodGetFullName
Get the full name of the object.
(Overrides TypeRefGetFullName.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIndentLevel
Get the indent level of this object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetIndentSpaceCount
Get the current indent in spaces.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetIndexer
Get the indexer with the specified parameter types.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetInferredType
Determine the type of an inferred ('var') type.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetInterfaces
Get all interfaces directly implemented by the type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetIsSameRefHashCode
Calculate a hash code for the referenced object which is the same for all references where IsSameRef() is true.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetLocalTypeArgumentCount
Get the number of specified type arguments.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetMethod(String, TypeRefBase)
Get the method with the specified name and parameter types.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetMethod(String, BindingFlags, TypeRefBase)
Get the method with the specified name, binding flags, and parameter types.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetMethods(String, Boolean)
Get all methods with the specified name.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetMethods(String, Boolean, NamedObjectGroup)
Get all methods with the specified name.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetNamespace
Get the Namespace for this CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetNestedType
Get the nested type with the specified name.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetProperty
Get the property with the specified name.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetReferencedType
Get the actual type reference.
(Overrides TypeRefGetReferencedType.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetTypeArgumentVariance
Get the variance state of the type argument with the specified index;
(Overrides TypeRefGetTypeArgumentVariance(Int32).)
Public methodGetTypeCode
Get the TypeCode of the referenced type.
(Overrides TypeRefGetTypeCode.)
Public methodGetTypeParametersAsArguments
Get the declared type parameters (if any) of the referenced type as type arguments.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetTypeRef
Get a TypeRef for the type with the specified full name, with caching (generally used for System types).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodGetTypeWithoutConstant
Get a TypeRef for the actual type, excluding any constant values.
(Overrides TypeRefGetTypeWithoutConstant.)
Public methodGetUnderlyingTypeOfEnum
Get the the underlying type if this is an enum type (otherwise returns null).
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodGetWorstMessageType
Get the type of the worst attached message.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodHasAnnotationT (Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodHasAttribute
Returns true if the attribute with the specified name exists on the object, otherwise false.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodHasEquivalentTypeArguments
Determine if this TupleRef has the same type arguments as the specified TupleRef.
Public methodHasImplicitConversion
Check if an implicit conversion will take place between the expression and its parent code object (Operator or VariableDecl). Conversions to type 'object' are not included, since there is no actual data conversion. The 'from' and 'to' types are returned whether an implicit conversion is available or not. Any applicable user-defined conversion method is returned.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Protected methodHasSameArrayRanks
Determine if this TypeRef has the same array ranks as the specified TypeRef.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Protected methodHasSameDelegateParameters (Inherited from TypeRef.)
Protected methodHasSameTypeArguments
Determine if this TypeRef has the same type arguments as the specified TypeRef.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodHasUnresolvedRef
Returns true if the code object is an UnresolvedRef or has any UnresolvedRef children.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodImplicitIdentityConversionExists
Determine if an implicit identity conversion exists to the specified type.
(Overrides TypeRefImplicitIdentityConversionExists(TypeRefBase).)
Public methodImplicitReferenceConversionExists
Determine if an implicit reference conversion exists to the specified type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsAssignableFrom
True if the current type is assignable from the specified type.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Protected methodIsChildIndented
Returns true if the specified child object is indented from the parent.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodIsChildPrefix
Returns true if the specified child object is prefixed to the current object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodIsEnumerableType
Determine if the type reference is an enumerable type (is compatible with an array). Includes: IEnumerableT, ICollectionT, IListT, IReadOnlyCollection{T}, IReadOnlyList{T}
(Overrides TypeRefIsEnumerableType.)
Protected methodIsEnumOrNullableEnum (Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsImplementationOf
Determines if the current TypeRef implements the specified interface TypeRef.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsImplicitlyConvertibleFrom
Determine if the reference is implicitly convertible *from* the specified reference.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodIsImplicitlyConvertibleTo
Determine if the TypeRef is implicitly convertible to the specified TypeRefBase.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsSameGenericType
Determine if the specified TypeRefBase refers to the same generic type, regardless of actual type arguments.
(Overrides TypeRefIsSameGenericType(TypeRefBase).)
Public methodIsSameOrVarianceConvertibleTo
Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference, or is variance-convertible to it.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsSameRef
Determine if the current reference refers to the same code object as the specified reference.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsSubclassOf
Determines if the current TypeRef is a subclass of the specified TypeRef.
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodIsVisibleTypeArgument (Inherited from TypeRef.)
Public methodMakeArrayRef
Make an array reference from the current type reference.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodMakeGenericRef
Make a generic type reference from the current type reference.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMoveAllComments
Move all (regular or EOL) comments from the specified token to the current code object, converting any EOL comments to regular comments (which will be rendered inline if necessary).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveAnnotations
Move any annotations from the specified location to the specified destination location.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveComments(Token)
Move any non-EOL comments from the specified token to the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveComments(Token, Boolean)
Move any non-EOL comments from the specified token to the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveCommentsAsPost
Move any non-EOL comments from the specified token to the current code object as Post comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveCommentsToLeftMost
Move any comments from the specified Token to the left-most sub-expression.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodMoveEOLAndPostAnnotations
Move any EOL or Postfix annotations from the specified code object to the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveEOLComment(CodeObject)
Move any EOL comment from the specified code object to the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveEOLComment(Token)
Move any EOL comment from the specified token to the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveEOLComment(Token, Boolean, Boolean)
Move any EOL comment from the specified token to the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveEOLCommentAsInfix
Move any EOL comment from the specified token to the current code object as an Infix EOL comment.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveFormatting(CodeObject)
Move formatting from the specified code object to the current object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMoveFormatting(Token)
Move formatting from the specified token to the current object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodMovePrefixAnnotationsAs
Move any prefix annotations on the specified code object to the current code object as the specified type of annotation.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodNotifyListedAnnotationAdded
Propagate the listed annotation to the parent CodeUnit and above.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodNotifyListedAnnotationRemoved
Remove the listed annotation from the parent CodeUnit and above.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodOccursIn
Determine if the current type is the same as or occurs in the (potentially nested) type arguments of the specified type.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodStatic memberParse
Parse a TupleRef.
Protected methodParseAnnotations(Parser, CodeObject)
Parse annotations - specifically, compiler directives around things such as TypeParameters or ParameterDecls.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodParseAnnotations(Parser, CodeObject, Boolean, Boolean)
Parse any comments, attributes, compiler directives.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodParseArrayRanks
Parse multiple array ranks.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Protected methodParseExpectedToken
Parse the specified expected token, attaching a parse error to the current object if it doesn't exist.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodParseUnusedAnnotations
Parse annotations from the Unused list.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodStatic memberPeekTuple
Peek ahead at the input tokens to determine if they look like a valid tuple type.
Public methodRemoveAllAnnotationsT
Remove all annotations of the specified type from this object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodRemoveAllAnnotationsWhereT
Remove all annotations from this object where the specified predicate is true.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodRemoveAllMessages
Remove all messages from this object, or optionally only from the specified source.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodRemoveAttribute
Remove the attribute expression with the specified name.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodReplaceType
Replace all occurrences of one type reference with another, including in (potentially nested) type arguments.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public methodResolve(ResolveFlags)
Resolve all child symbolic references.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodResolve(ResolveCategory, ResolveFlags)
Resolve all child symbolic references, using the specified ResolveCategory and ResolveFlags.
(Overrides TypeRefResolve(ResolveCategory, ResolveFlags).)
Public methodResolveAttributes
Resolve any attached attributes.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodResolveDocComments
Resolve any references in attached documentation comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodResolveGotoTargetUp
Resolve child code objects that match the specified name are valid goto targets, moving up the tree until a complete match is found.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodResolveIndexerRef
Resolve indexers.
(Overrides TypeRefResolveIndexerRef(Resolver).)
Public methodResolveLocalDeclExprRef
Resolve any LocalDeclExpr in the Expression or its children that match the specified name.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodResolveRef
Resolve child code objects that match the specified name.
(Overrides TypeRefResolveRef(String, Resolver).)
Public methodResolveRefUp
Resolve child code objects that match the specified name, moving up the tree until a complete match is found.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodResolveRefUpSkipMethodBody
Similar to ResolveRefUp(String, Resolver), but skips trying to resolve the symbol in the body or parameters of a method (used for resolving parameter types).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetField(Object, Object, Boolean)
Set a field of a code object, including setting the parent, and optional formatting.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetFieldT(ChildListT, ChildListT)
Set a ChildList collection field of a code object, including setting the parent.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetFieldT(T, T, Boolean)
Set a field of a code object, including setting the parent, and optional formatting.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetFormatFlag (Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetLineCol(CodeObject)
Set the line and column numbers to those in the specified CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetLineCol(Token)
Set the line and column numbers to those in the specified token.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodSetNewLines
Special method to set the newline count without setting the NewLinesSet flag.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodSetStartLineCol
Set the starting line and column numbers to those in the specified token (used by some code objects with prefixes such as modifiers).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodSkipPrefixes
Get the expression on the right of the right-most Lookup or Dot operator (bypass any '::' and '.' prefixes).
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public methodToString
Render the type of the code object and its description as a string.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodUpdateAllDeclExpressions
Recursively update the dictionary of names in the specified Block by either adding or removing (as specified by the 2nd parameter) all appropriate nested INamedCodeObjects expressions in the current CodeObject tree (specifically implemented for LocalDeclExpr expression objects).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected methodUpdateLineCol
Update the line and column numbers according to the current positions in the CodeWriter, if the UpdateLineCol flag is set.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public methodUpdateReference
Attempt to set or update a reference to a matching ValueTuple instance, and refresh the related underlying type arguments from the field types.
Public methodUserDefinedImplicitConversionExists
Determine if a user-defined implicit conversion exists to the specified type. [C# 4.0 section 6.4.4]
(Inherited from TypeRef.)
See Also