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CodeObjectRenderFlags Enumeration

Rendering behavior flags (passed through rendering methods).

Namespace:  Nova.CodeDOM
Assembly:  Nova.CodeDOM (in Nova.CodeDOM.dll) Version: 7.44.8391.13415
public enum RenderFlags
  Member nameValueDescription
None0No flags set.
NoBlockIndent1Suppress indentation of the current block.
NoParensIfEmpty2Suppress parens if empty (used by NewOperators).
NoEOLComments4Suppress rendering of EOL comments (used by WriteList).
SuppressNewLine8Suppress the next newline because it's already been pre-rendered.
SuppressTypeArgs16Suppress type arguments when rendering a Type (used by TypeRef rendering).
SuppressPointers32Suppress type pointers ('*'s).
PrefixSpace64Object needs a space prefix if it's not the first thing on the line.
IsPrefix128Object is a child prefix of another - the IsFirstOnLine flag actually means IsLastOnLine.
NoSpaceSuffix256Suppress the space suffix on a prefix object.
HasDotPrefix512Object is on the right side of a Dot operator.
HideTypeIfVar1024Don't render the variable type if it's var (inferred) - used for lambda expression parameters and LINQ variables.
ShowTypeIfVar2048Show the actual type instead of 'var' - used for lambda expression parameters in descriptions.
Declaration4096Render as a declaration (might differ from references).
Attribute8192Rendering an attribute (hide "Attribute" suffix, hide parens if empty).
IncreaseIndent16384Increase the indentation level for any future newlines.
HasTerminator32768Render a terminator (after a statement or a ChildList).
NoItemSeparators65536Suppress rendering of separators (commas) between items in a ChildList.
NoPostAnnotations131072Suppress rendering of post annotations (used by ChildList).
NoTranslations262144Suppress translations (used by DocText text rendering only).
SuppressFirst524288Suppress rendering of the first item in a list (used for rendering of extension method parameters).
NoIncreaseIndent1048576Do NOT increase the indentation level for any future newlines.
ExpressionFormat2097152Format as a lambda expression.
DontUseKeyword4194304Use type name instead of keyword if rendering a primitive type.
UpdateLineCol8388608Update LineNumber and Column properties while rendering.
SuppressBrackets16777216Suppress brackets when rendering a TypeRef for an array type (used for NewArray with jagged arrays).
CommentsInline33554432Render comments in-line (using block style instead of EOL style).
Description67108864Render as description (no body, show full signature on references, etc.).
ShowParentTypes134217728Show any parent types of the type being rendered.
InDocComment268435456Object being rendered is inside a documentation comment.
NoPreAnnotations536870912Suppress rendering of any prefix annotations on the current object (used to suppress them for the first item in a ChildList).
NoTagNewLines1073741824Suppress rendering of first/last newlines in doc comment content (used by DocComment classes).
FormatAsHex2147483648Format numerics in hex.
PassMask4292870144Mask of flags that propagate through all rendering calls.
LengthFlags537001988Flags used during length determination for alignment purposes.
See Also