CodeObjectRenderFlags Enumeration |
Rendering behavior flags (passed through rendering methods).
Nova.CodeDOM (in Nova.CodeDOM.dll) Version: 7.44.8391.13415
public enum RenderFlags
| Member name | Value | Description |
| None | 0 | No flags set. |
| NoBlockIndent | 1 | Suppress indentation of the current block. |
| NoParensIfEmpty | 2 | Suppress parens if empty (used by NewOperators). |
| NoEOLComments | 4 | Suppress rendering of EOL comments (used by WriteList). |
| SuppressNewLine | 8 | Suppress the next newline because it's already been pre-rendered. |
| SuppressTypeArgs | 16 | Suppress type arguments when rendering a Type (used by TypeRef rendering). |
| SuppressPointers | 32 | Suppress type pointers ('*'s). |
| PrefixSpace | 64 | Object needs a space prefix if it's not the first thing on the line. |
| IsPrefix | 128 | Object is a child prefix of another - the IsFirstOnLine flag actually means IsLastOnLine. |
| NoSpaceSuffix | 256 | Suppress the space suffix on a prefix object. |
| HasDotPrefix | 512 | Object is on the right side of a Dot operator. |
| HideTypeIfVar | 1024 | Don't render the variable type if it's var (inferred) - used for lambda expression parameters and LINQ variables. |
| ShowTypeIfVar | 2048 | Show the actual type instead of 'var' - used for lambda expression parameters in descriptions. |
| Declaration | 4096 | Render as a declaration (might differ from references). |
| Attribute | 8192 | Rendering an attribute (hide "Attribute" suffix, hide parens if empty). |
| IncreaseIndent | 16384 | Increase the indentation level for any future newlines. |
| HasTerminator | 32768 | Render a terminator (after a statement or a ChildList). |
| NoItemSeparators | 65536 | Suppress rendering of separators (commas) between items in a ChildList. |
| NoPostAnnotations | 131072 | Suppress rendering of post annotations (used by ChildList). |
| NoTranslations | 262144 | Suppress translations (used by DocText text rendering only). |
| SuppressFirst | 524288 | Suppress rendering of the first item in a list (used for rendering of extension method parameters). |
| NoIncreaseIndent | 1048576 | Do NOT increase the indentation level for any future newlines. |
| ExpressionFormat | 2097152 | Format as a lambda expression. |
| DontUseKeyword | 4194304 | Use type name instead of keyword if rendering a primitive type. |
| UpdateLineCol | 8388608 | Update LineNumber and Column properties while rendering. |
| SuppressBrackets | 16777216 | Suppress brackets when rendering a TypeRef for an array type (used for NewArray with jagged arrays). |
| CommentsInline | 33554432 | Render comments in-line (using block style instead of EOL style). |
| Description | 67108864 | Render as description (no body, show full signature on references, etc.). |
| ShowParentTypes | 134217728 | Show any parent types of the type being rendered. |
| InDocComment | 268435456 | Object being rendered is inside a documentation comment. |
| NoPreAnnotations | 536870912 | Suppress rendering of any prefix annotations on the current object (used to suppress them for the first item in a ChildList). |
| NoTagNewLines | 1073741824 | Suppress rendering of first/last newlines in doc comment content (used by DocComment classes). |
| FormatAsHex | 2147483648 | Format numerics in hex. |
| PassMask | 4292870144 | Mask of flags that propagate through all rendering calls. |
| LengthFlags | 537001988 | Flags used during length determination for alignment purposes. |
See Also