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CodeObjectResolveRefUp Method

Resolve child code objects that match the specified name, moving up the tree until a complete match is found.

Namespace:  Nova.CodeDOM
Assembly:  Nova.CodeDOM (in Nova.CodeDOM.dll) Version: 7.44.8391.13415
public virtual void ResolveRefUp(
	string name,
	Resolver resolver


Type: SystemString
The name of the reference (might be modified from the one inside the UnresolvedRef in special cases).
Type: Nova.ResolvingResolver
The Resolver object, which contains the UnresolvedRef being resolved.
The UnresolvedRef object will be updated to reflect the results of the search. Search for objects by name recursively up the parent code tree, finding: - LocalDecls in the current block (must be verified later during analysis to be defined *before* a reference). - LocalDecls in each parent block (must be verified later during analysis to be defined *before* a reference) up to the parent MethodDeclBase level, including LocalDecls of Catch, Using, For, ForEach statements. - ParameterDecls of the parent MethodDeclBase (MethodDecl, GenericMethodDecl, ConstructorDecl, AccessorDecl) or AnonymousMethodBase, and TypeParameters if it's a GenericMethodDecl. - Members (fields, properties, methods, etc) of the current TypeDecl, including base types and interfaces, and TypeParameters (if any). - Namespaces or TypeDecls of the current NamespaceDecl, and of any of its UsingDirectives. Not here, but during the analysis phase: - Namespaces or TypeDecls of any other known Namespaces (give an option to add a 'using').
See Also