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TypeDefinitionUtil Methods

The TypeDefinitionUtil type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberFindExtensionMethods
Search for extension methods on the type with the specified name.
Public methodStatic memberFindTypeArgument
Find a type argument for the specified type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberFindTypeArgumentInBase
Find a type argument in a base class for the specified type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberFindTypeParameterIndex
Find the index of the specified type parameter.
Public methodStatic memberGetConstructor
Search for a constructor by name and parameter types. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types.
Public methodStatic memberGetConstructors
Search for all methods with the specified name and flags.
Public methodStatic memberGetDelegateParameters
Get the parameters for a delegate type.
Public methodStatic memberGetDelegateReturnType
Get the return type for a delegate type.
Public methodStatic memberGetEvent
Search for an event by name. Searches base interfaces.
Public methodStatic memberGetGenericTypeDefinition
Get the generic type definition if the type is a generic type instance (otherwise, just return the type).
Public methodStatic memberGetIndexer
Search for an indexer by parameter types. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
Public methodStatic memberGetIndexers
Search for all indexers with the specified flags.
Public methodStatic memberGetInvokeMethod
Get the 'Invoke()' method for the specified TypeDefinition.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalGenericArgumentCount(TypeDefinition)
Get the number of local generic parameters for the type definition, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalGenericArgumentCount(TypeReference)
Get the number of local generic arguments for the type, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalGenericArguments(TypeDefinition)
Get the local generic parameters for the type definition, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocalGenericArguments(TypeReference)
Get the local generic arguments for the type, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
Public methodStatic memberGetMembers
Search for all members with the specified name.
Public methodStatic memberGetMethod(TypeDefinition, String)
Find the method with the specified name.
Public methodStatic memberGetMethod(TypeDefinition, String, TypeReference)
Search for a method by name and parameter types. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
Public methodStatic memberGetMethod(TypeDefinition, String, BindingFlags, TypeReference)
Search for a method by name, parameter types, and binding flags. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
Public methodStatic memberGetMethods
Search for all methods with the specified name and flags.
Public methodStatic memberGetProperty
Search for a property by name. Searches base interfaces.
Public methodStatic memberGetUnderlyingTypeOfEnum
Get the underlying type of an enum.
Public methodStatic memberIsAssignableFrom
Determine if the type is assignable from the specified type.
Public methodStatic memberIsBitFlagsEnum
Determine if the type is a bit-flags style enum.
Public methodStatic memberIsComImport
True if the type is a COM Import.
Public methodStatic memberIsDelegateType
Determine if the type is a delegate type.
Public methodStatic memberIsEnum
Determine if the type is an enum.
Public methodStatic memberIsFixedBufferType
Determine if the type is a fixed-buffer type.
Public methodStatic memberIsGenericTypeDefinition
Determine if the type is a generic type definition (as opposed to an instance).
Public methodStatic memberIsImplementationOf
Determine if the type implements the specified interface.
Public methodStatic memberIsInternal
Return true if the type is internal, otherwise false.
Public methodStatic memberIsNullableType
Determine if the type is a nullable type.
Public methodStatic memberIsPrivate
Return true if the type is private, otherwise false.
Public methodStatic memberIsProtected
Return true if the type is protected, otherwise false.
Public methodStatic memberIsStatic
Return true if the type is static, otherwise false.
Public methodStatic memberIsSubclassOf
Determine if the type is a subclass of the specified type.
Public methodStatic memberIsUserClass
Determine if the type is a user-defined class (excludes 'object' and 'string').
Public methodStatic memberIsUserStruct
Determine if the type is a user-defined struct (excludes primitive types including 'void' and 'decimal', and enums).
Public methodStatic memberMakeArrayType
Make an array type.
Public methodStatic memberNonGenericName
Returns the name without any trailing '`' and type parameter count.
See Also