| Name | Description |
| CalculateMetrics |
Visit the code tree (specified in the constructor), calculate all metrics, and return the result.
| Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) |
| GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
| MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| Process |
Process a CodeObject, calculating any common metrics for it.
| ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
| Visit(Alias) | Visit an Alias statement. |
| Visit(AnonymousMethodBase) | |
| Visit(ArgumentsOperator) | |
| Visit(Attribute) | |
| Visit(BinaryOperator) | |
| Visit(Block) |
Visit a Block body of a BlockStatement - this should rarely be used, since
all members of the Block will be visited separately.
| Visit(BlockDecl) | |
| Visit(Break) | |
| Visit(Catch) | |
| Visit(CheckedBlock) | |
| Visit(CodeUnit) | |
| Visit(Comment) | |
| Visit(CompilerDirective) | |
| Visit(Conditional) | |
| Visit(ConstraintClause) | |
| Visit(Continue) | |
| Visit(DocComment) |
Visit a DocComment annotation (also DocText, DocCodeRefBase, DocNameBase,
DocB, DocC, DocCode, DocCDATA, DocExample, DocI,
DocInclude, DocPara, DocRemarks, DocSummary, DocTag,
DocValue, DocList, DocListHeader, DocListItem, DocListDescription,
| Visit(Else) | |
| Visit(EnumMemberDecl) | |
| Visit(ExternAlias) | |
| Visit(FieldDecl) | |
| Visit(Finally) | |
| Visit(Fixed) | |
| Visit(For) | |
| Visit(ForEach) | |
| Visit(Goto) | |
| Visit(IfBase) | |
| Visit(Initializer) | |
| Visit(Label) | |
| Visit(Literal) | |
| Visit(LocalDecl) | |
| Visit(LocalDeclExpr) | |
| Visit(Lock) | |
| Visit(Message) | |
| Visit(MethodDeclBase) |
Visit a MethodDeclBase statement (common base of MethodDecl, GenericMethodDecl,
ConstructorDecl, DestructorDecl, GetterDecl, SetterDecl, AdderDecl,
RemoverDecl, OperatorDecl, BooleanOperatorDecl, ConversionOperatorDecl).
| Visit(NamedArgument) | |
| Visit(NamespaceDecl) | |
| Visit(Ordering) | |
| Visit(ParameterDecl) | |
| Visit(Project) | |
| Visit(PropertyDeclBase) | |
| Visit(QueryBodyBase) | |
| Visit(QueryClauseBase) | |
| Visit(Return) | |
| Visit(SingleArgumentOperator) | |
| Visit(Switch) | |
| Visit(SwitchItem) | |
| Visit(SymbolicRef) | |
| Visit(Throw) | |
| Visit(ThrowExpr) | |
| Visit(Try) | |
| Visit(TypeDecl) | |
| Visit(TypeParameter) | |
| Visit(TypeParameterConstraint) | |
| Visit(UnaryOperator) |
Visit an UnaryOperator operator (common base of AddressOf, Cast, Complement,
Decrement, False, Increment, Negative, Not,
PointerIndirection, Positive, True, PostIncrement, PostDecrement).
| Visit(UncheckedBlock) | |
| Visit(Unrecognized) | |
| Visit(Unsafe) | |
| Visit(Using) | |
| Visit(UsingDirective) | |
| Visit(While) | |
| Visit(YieldStatement) | |
| VisitT(ChildListT) |
Visit a ChildListT collection - this should rarely be used, since all members of the list
will be visited separately.