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FileUtil Methods

The FileUtil type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberCombineAndNormalizePath
Combine the two specified paths, removing any "..\" prefixes from the 2nd path, while removing corresponding subdirectories from the 1st path at the same time. Also, ensure that only a single '\' is used to combine the paths.
Public methodStatic memberFindFile
Find the specified file name in the base directory of the application or any subdirectories.
Public methodStatic memberGetBaseDirectory
Get the base directory of the executing application, using the project directory if running in an output directory.
Public methodStatic memberGetFileStreamAndEncoding
Get a FileStream for the specified file name, also checking if it has a BOM or a valid UTF8 sequence.
Public methodStatic memberMakeRelative
Determine a relative path that navigates from the first specified path to the second one.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveCommonRootPath
Remove the specified common root path from the specified file name.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveLastDirectory
Remove the last directory from the specified path.
See Also