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FindReferences Fields

The FindReferences type exposes the following members.

Protected field_currentCodeUnit
Protected field_declaringTypeRef
Protected field_isInterface
Protected field_isType
Protected field_results
Protected field_target
The target object for which references should be found.
Protected field_targetName
Protected field_targetTypeRef
Public fieldIncludeDerivedTypes
True if derived types should be included if searching for references to a type, or implementing types and extending interfaces if the target type is an interface.
Public fieldIncludeMemberReferences
True if references to members should be included if searching for references to a type.
Public fieldIncludeOverloads
True if overload declarations should be included if searching for references to a method (or constructor), and any references to those overloads if IncludeReferences is true.
Public fieldIncludeOverrides
True if override declarations should be included if searching for references to a method or property (or indexer or event). References to overrides are always included if IncludeReferences is true, regardless of this setting.
Public fieldIncludeReferences
True if references to the target should be included (can be turned off when other options are used).
Public fieldScope
The starting CodeObject of the search, such as a Solution, Project, or CodeUnit.
See Also