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While Properties

The While type exposes the following members.

Public property_AsString
This property is just to make debugging easier.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyAnnotations
Annotations (comments, attributes, directives, messages) associated with the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyBody
The Block body.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyColumnNumber
The column number associated with the CodeObject (if any, 0 if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyComment
The comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyConditional
The conditional Expression.
Public propertyDocComment
The documentation comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyDoWhile
The DoWhile part if this is a 'do/while' loop.
Public propertyEOLComment
The End-Of-Line comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasAnnotations
True if the code object has any annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasArgument
True if the Statement has an argument.
(Overrides BlockStatementHasArgument.)
Public propertyHasArgumentParens
True if the Statement has parens around its argument.
(Inherited from Statement.)
Public propertyHasAttributes
True if the code object has any attributes.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasBraces
True if the BlockStatement has braces.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyHasBracesAlways
True if the BlockStatement always requires braces.
(Overrides BlockStatementHasBracesAlways.)
Public propertyHasComments
True if the code object has any comments of any kind.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasCompilerDirectives
True if the code object has any compiler directive annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasCondition
True if there is a conditional Expression.
Public propertyHasDocComments
True if the code object has any documentation comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasEOLComments
True if the code object has any EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasEOLOrPostAnnotations
True if the code object has any EOL or Postfix annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasErrors
True if the code object has any error messages.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasFirstOnLineAnnotations
True if the code object has any annotations on separate lines.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasHeader
True for all BlockStatements that have a header (all except CodeUnit and BlockDecl).
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyHasInfixComments
True if the code object has any Infix comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasMessages
True if the code object has any generated messages.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasNoIndentation
Determines if the code object has no indentation.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasNonEOLComments
True if the code object has any regular (non-doc) preceding (non-EOL, non-Infix, non-Postfix) comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasPostAnnotations
True if the code object has any postfix annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasTerminator
Determines if the code object has a terminator character.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasTerminatorDefault
True if the Statement has a terminator character by default.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyHiddenRef
Any hidden reference to another CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyInfixComment
The infix comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsCompactIfEmptyDefault
True if the BlockStatement has compact empty braces by default.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyIsDoWhile
True if this is a 'do/while' loop.
Public propertyIsEndFirstOnLine
True if the closing paren or bracket is on a new line.
(Inherited from Statement.)
Public propertyIsFirstOnLine
Determines if the code object appears as the first item on a line.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsFirstOnLineDefault
True if the code object defaults to starting on a new line.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsGenerated
Determines if the code object is generated.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsGroupingSet
Determines if the 'grouping' (has parens or braces) status has been set.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsMethodBodyLevel
True if a BlockStatement is at a method body level (contains general code statements). For example, anything at a MethodDeclBase level or lower in the code tree. Specifically, NOT a NamespaceDecl, TypeDecl, or PropertyDeclBase.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyIsMultiPart
True for multi-part statements, such as try/catch/finally or if/else.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyIsNewLinesSet
Determines if the newline count has been set on the code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsRenderable
True if the CodeObject is renderable.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsSingleLine
Determines if the code object only requires a single line for display.
(Overrides BlockStatementIsSingleLine.)
Public propertyIsSingleLineDefault
True if the code object only requires a single line for display by default.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyIsTopLevel
True if a BlockStatement is at the top level (those that have no header and no indent). For example, a CodeUnit, a BlockDecl with no parent or a DocComment or Project parent.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyKeyword
The keyword associated with the Statement.
(Overrides StatementKeyword.)
Public propertyLineNumber
The line number associated with the CodeObject (if any, 0 if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyNewLines
The number of newlines preceding the object (0 to N).
(Inherited from Statement.)
Public propertyParent
The parent CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyPostfixComment
The postfix comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyRequiresEmptyStatement
True if the BlockStatement requires an empty statement if it has an empty block with no braces.
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Public propertyTerminator
The terminator character for the Statement.
(Inherited from Statement.)
See Also