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RootNamespace Fields

The RootNamespace type exposes the following members.

Protected field_annotations
Any Annotations (Comments, DocComments, Attributes, or Messages) associated with the CodeObject (null if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_children
A dictionary of child namespaces and types (Namespaces, TypeDecls, and TypeDefinitions/Types) by name.
(Inherited from Namespace.)
Protected field_columnNumber
The starting column number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_extensionMethodCache
A cache of all extension methods that have been looked up within all classes in the Namespace.
(Inherited from Namespace.)
Protected field_formatFlags
Formatting flags - for line feeds, braces, etc.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_fullName
The full name of the Namespace (including any parent Namespaces).
(Inherited from Namespace.)
Protected field_hasDeclarationsInProject
True if this namespace has NamespaceDecl declarations in the current project, otherwise false (meaning items in the namespace exist only in imported assemblies and projects).
(Inherited from Namespace.)
Protected field_lineNumber
The starting line number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_name
The name of the Namespace (does not include any parent Namespaces).
(Inherited from Namespace.)
Protected field_namespaces
All loaded namespaces under the root namespace, indexed by full name (the contents of namespaces may vary depending upon referenced assemblies, so each project must maintain its own namespaces).
Protected field_parent
The parent CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
See Also