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TypeRef Properties

The TypeRef type exposes the following members.

Public property_AsString
This property is just to make debugging easier.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyAnnotations
Annotations (comments, attributes, directives, messages) associated with the current code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyArrayRanks
The array ranks of the type reference (if any).
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyCategory
The descriptive category of the SymbolicRef.
(Overrides SymbolicRefCategory.)
Public propertyColumnNumber
The column number associated with the CodeObject (if any, 0 if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyComment
The comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyDocComment
The documentation comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyDontUseKeyword
True if the referenced type should display as a type name instead of a keyword if it's a primitive type.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyEOLComment
The End-Of-Line comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasAnnotations
True if the code object has any annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasArrayRanks
True if the type reference has any array ranks.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyHasAttributes
True if the code object has any attributes.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasComments
True if the code object has any comments of any kind.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasCompilerDirectives
True if the code object has any compiler directive annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasDocComments
True if the code object has any documentation comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasEOLComments
True if the code object has any EOL comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasEOLOrPostAnnotations
True if the code object has any EOL or Postfix annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasErrors
True if the code object has any error messages.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasFirstOnLineAnnotations
True if the code object has any annotations on separate lines.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasInfixComments
True if the code object has any Infix comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasMessages
True if the code object has any generated messages.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasNoIndentation
Determines if the code object has no indentation.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasNonEOLComments
True if the code object has any regular (non-doc) preceding (non-EOL, non-Infix, non-Postfix) comments.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasParens
True if the expression is surrounded by parens.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyHasParensDefault
True if the expression should have parens by default.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyHasPostAnnotations
True if the code object has any postfix annotations.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasTerminator
Determines if the code object has a terminator character.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyHasTypeArguments
True if there are any type arguments.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyHiddenRef
Any hidden reference to another CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyInfixComment
The infix comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsAbstract
True if the referenced type is abstract.
Public propertyIsArray
True if the type reference is an array.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyIsBitFlagsEnum
True if the referenced type is a bit-flags enum.
Public propertyIsBuiltInType
True if the referenced type is a built-in type (has a keyword). The built-in types are: object, void, sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, bool, string, float, double, decimal
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsBuiltInType.)
Public propertyIsBuiltInTypeOrArray
True if the referenced type is a built-in type or an array of a built-in type.
Public propertyIsClass
True if the referenced type is a class.
Public propertyIsConst
True if the referenced type has a constant value.
(Overrides ExpressionIsConst.)
Public propertyIsDelegateType
True if the referenced type is a delegate type.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsDelegateType.)
Public propertyIsDocCodeReference
Returns true if the TypeRefBase is a DocCodeRefBase reference to a code object, otherwise false.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyIsEndFirstOnLine
True if the closing paren or bracket is on a new line.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyIsEnum
True if the referenced type is an enum.
Public propertyIsFirstOnLine
Determines if the code object appears as the first item on a line.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsFirstOnLineDefault
True if the code object defaults to starting on a new line.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyIsFixedBufferType
True if the referenced type is a fixed buffer type.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsFixedBufferType.)
Public propertyIsGenerated
Determines if the code object is generated.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsGenericParameter
True if the referenced type is a generic type parameter.
Public propertyIsGenericType
True if the type is a generic type (meaning that either it or an enclosing type has type arguments).
Public propertyIsGroupingSet
Determines if the 'grouping' (has parens or braces) status has been set.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsInterface
True if the referenced type is an interface.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsInterface.)
Public propertyIsInternal
True if the referenced type has internal access.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsInternal.)
Public propertyIsNested
True if the referenced type is a nested type.
Public propertyIsNewLinesSet
Determines if the newline count has been set on the code object.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsNullableType
True if the referenced type is a nullable type.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsNullableType.)
Public propertyIsOrContainsNestedGenericType
True if the referenced type is a nested generic type, or if it (recursively) contains a nested generic type as a type argument.
Public propertyIsPartial
True if the referenced type is a partial type.
Public propertyIsPointer
True if the type reference is a pointer.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyIsPossibleDelegateType
True if the expression evaluates to a delegate, unresolved, or dynamic type or a TypeParameterRef.
(Inherited from Expression.)
Public propertyIsPrimitive
True if the type is Primitive. The Primitive Types are: sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, IntPtr, UIntPtr, char, bool, float, double. The following are NOT primitive types: object, void, string, decimal
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsPrimitive.)
Public propertyIsPrivate
True if the referenced type has private access.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsPrivate.)
Public propertyIsProtected
True if the referenced type has protected access.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsProtected.)
Public propertyIsPublic
True if the referenced type has public access.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsPublic.)
Public propertyIsRenderable
True if the CodeObject is renderable.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsSingleLine
Determines if the code object only requires a single line for display.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyIsSingleLineDefault
True if the code object only requires a single line for display by default.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyIsStatic
True if the referenced type is static.
(Overrides TypeRefBaseIsStatic.)
Public propertyIsUserClass
True if the referenced type is a user-defined class (excludes 'object' and 'string').
Public propertyIsUserStruct
True if the referenced type is a user-defined struct (excludes primitive types including 'void' and 'decimal', and enums).
Public propertyIsValueType
True if the referenced type is a value type.
Public propertyLineNumber
The line number associated with the CodeObject (if any, 0 if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyName
The name of the TypeRef.
(Overrides SymbolicRefName.)
Public propertyNamespaceName
The associated Namespace name.
Public propertyNewLines
The number of newlines preceding the object (0 to N).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyParent
The parent CodeObject.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyPointerCount
The number of pointer dereferences.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyPostfixComment
The postfix comment for the code object (if any).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public propertyReference
The code object to which the SymbolicRef refers.
(Inherited from SymbolicRef.)
Public propertyTypeArgumentCount
The number of type arguments.
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
Public propertyTypeArguments
The type argument Expressions of the reference (if any).
(Inherited from TypeRefBase.)
See Also