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Resolver Fields

The Resolver type exposes the following members.

Protected field_hasCompleteMatch
Indicates if a complete match exists.
Protected field_isValidCategory
The delegate used to find valid object types for the target category.
Protected field_parentExpression
The parent expression of the unresolved reference (if any).
Protected field_resolveCategory
The targeted object category.
Protected field_resolveFlags
Special flags controlling the symbol resolution.
Protected field_unresolvedRef
The UnresolvedRef being resolved.
Public fieldStatic memberCoClassAttributeName
The name of the CoClass attribute.
Public fieldStatic memberExactMatching
Determines whether or not exact matching is enforced when only one possible match is found for an UnresolvedRef. By default, an exact match is required, but this can be set to false to allow a match if there is only one possibility.
Public fieldStatic memberGuidAttributeName
The name of the Guid attribute.
Public fieldStatic memberResolveAttempts
The total number of resolve attempts for the current pass.
Public fieldStatic memberResolveFailures
The total number of resolve failures for the current pass.
Public fieldStatic memberTypeIdentifierAttributeName
The name of the TypeIdentifier attribute used on COM interop types.
See Also