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MatchCandidate Fields

The MatchCandidate type exposes the following members.

Public fieldArgumentsMismatchDueToUnresolvedOnly
True if the method arguments only failed to match because of UnresolvedRefs.
Public fieldBaseInterfacePaths
Records the base interface paths of a match (for use in finding type arguments).
Public fieldHasDynamicallyTypedParameters
True if the UnresolvedRef being matched is a method invocation and at least one argument has a dynamic type.
Public fieldInferredTypeArguments
Any inferred type arguments.
Public fieldIsAccessible
True if the candidate is accessible.
Public fieldIsCategoryMatch
True if the ResolveCategory matches.
Public fieldIsDocCodeReference
True if the reference is inside a DocCode documentation comment.
Public fieldIsMethodArgumentsMatch
True if the method arguments match.
Public fieldIsPendingOverride
True if this is an override method that is pending the finding of the corresponding abstract/virtual method declaration (override methods are not complete matches until the corresponding abstract/virtual method is found).
Public fieldIsStaticModeMatch
True if the static modifiers match.
Public fieldIsTypeArgumentFixed
An array of flags indicating if each inferred type argument has been fixed.
Public fieldIsTypeArgumentsMatch
True if the type arguments match.
Public fieldIsTypeInferenceFailure
True if type inference failed.
Public fieldMethodArgumentMismatchIndex
The index of the first non-matching method argument.
Public fieldObject
The candidate CodeObject or MemberInfo.
Public fieldResolveFlags
The associated ResolveFlags.
Public fieldUniqueId
Used for type equivalence for COM types in interop assemblies.
See Also