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Project Fields

The Project type exposes the following members.

Protected field_annotations
Any Annotations (Comments, DocComments, Attributes, or Messages) associated with the CodeObject (null if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_assemblyResolver
The MonoCecilAssemblyResolver for this project (only used if using Mono Cecil to load assemblies).
Protected field_baseIntermediateOutputPath
Protected field_builtInTypes
Cached type objects for built-in types.
Protected field_cachedSystemRefs
Cached SymbolicRef objects - used by FindRef() to cache results, usually for System TypeRefs.
Protected field_codeUnits
All code units in this project.
Protected field_columnNumber
The starting column number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_configurationName
Protected field_configurations
The project configurations.
Protected field_currentConfiguration
The currently active project configuration.
Protected field_currentPlatformConfiguration
The currently active platform-specific configuration (if any).
Protected field_defineConstants
Protected field_dependsOn
A cached dictionary of projects which the current one depends on (used for performance).
Protected field_fileItems
File items (source files, content files, resource files, etc).
Protected field_fileName
Protected field_formatFlags
Formatting flags - for line feeds, braces, etc.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_frameworkContext
The FrameworkContext for this project, which keeps track of all loaded assemblies.
Protected field_globalAttributes
All project-global attributes (those with a target of assembly or module) defined in any CodeUnit (usually AssemblyInfo.cs).
Protected field_globalNamespace
The project's global namespace.
Protected field_intermediateOutputPath
Protected field_internalsVisibleTo
Assembly names which have internal visibility to this project.
Protected field_internalsVisibleToTest
Assembly names which have internal visibility to this project for testing purposes only.
Protected field_isNew
Protected field_lineNumber
The starting line number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_loadedAssemblies
Assembly/root namespace combinations for which types have already been loaded for this project.
Protected field_loadedForAssemblyOnly
Protected field_name
Protected field_notSupported
True if the project type is not currently supported.
Protected field_nuGetReferences
NuGet references.
Protected field_outDir
Protected field_outputPath
Protected field_parent
The parent CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_platformConfigurations
Platform-specific configurations.
Protected field_projectGuid
Protected field_references
References to other projects, assemblies, or COM objects.
Protected field_removeFiles
Set of file items to be removed (source files, content files, resource files, etc) by filespec.
Protected field_targetFramework
Protected field_targetFrameworkIdentifier
Protected field_targetFrameworkProfile
Protected field_targetFrameworkVersion
Protected field_targetPlatform
Protected field_targetPlatformMinVersion
Protected field_targetPlatformVersion
Protected field_typeGuid
Protected field_unhandledData
Unhandled (unparsed or unrecognized) XML data in the project file.
Protected field_unhandledProperties
A dictionary of unhandled properties (used to evaluate macros).
Protected field_userReferencePath
The ReferencePath from any "*.csproj.user" file.
Protected field_visualStudioVersion
Public fieldStatic memberASPMVCProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberConfigurationDebug
Public fieldStatic memberConfigurationRelease
Public fieldStatic memberCPPProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberCSCoreProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberCSharpFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberCSharpProjectFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberCSProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberCSSharePointProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberCSWorkflowProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultBaseAddress
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultFileAlignment
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultFramework
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultPlatform
Public fieldStatic memberDesignerCSharpGeneratedExtension
Public fieldStatic memberDesignerGeneratedExtension
Public fieldStatic memberDesignerVBGeneratedExtension
Public fieldStatic memberDisableMultithreading
Set to disable the use of multithreading for loading, parsing, resolving, etc. This option is available as a possible workaround for any threading-related bugs that might appear in certain scenarios.
Public fieldStatic memberFolderType
Public fieldStatic memberGeneratedFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberGeneratedFileExtension2
Public fieldStatic memberJsonFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberLoadInternalTypes
Set to load internal types in addition to public types when loading types from referenced assemblies and projects, even when there isn't any InternalsVisibleTo attribute. This allows resolving namespaces and types that would otherwise not be found, allowing code analysis to then flag such references as illegal (not accessible). This option will slow things down a bit and use up more memory.
Public fieldStatic memberMsCorLib
Public fieldStatic memberMvcProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberNuGetProjectAssetsJsonFile
Public fieldStatic memberNuGetProjectFileName
Public fieldStatic memberNuGetProjectJsonFile
Public fieldStatic memberOutputFolderName
Public fieldStatic memberPlatformAnyCPU
Public fieldStatic memberPlatformX64
Public fieldStatic memberPlatformX86
Public fieldStatic memberPropertiesFolder
Public fieldStatic memberReferencesFolder
Public fieldStatic memberSetupProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberSharedItemsFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberSharedProjectFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberSilverlightProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberSystemCore
Public fieldStatic memberTestProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberVBFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberVBProjectFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberVBProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberVBSharePointProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberVBWorkflowProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberVisualDBToolsProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberVstoProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberWCFProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberWebApplicationProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberWebSiteProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberWorkflowCodeBesideFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberWorkflowCSharpCodeBesideFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberWorkflowVBCodeBesideFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberWPFProjectType
Public fieldStatic memberXamlCSharpCodeBehindExtension
Public fieldStatic memberXamlCSharpGeneratedExtension
Public fieldStatic memberXamlCSharpGeneratedExtension2
Public fieldStatic memberXamlCSharpGeneratedExtension3
Public fieldStatic memberXamlFileExtension
Public fieldStatic memberXamlVBCodeBehindExtension
Public fieldStatic memberXamlVBGeneratedExtension
Public fieldStatic memberXamlVBGeneratedExtension2
Public fieldStatic memberXamlVBGeneratedExtension3
See Also