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Ordering Fields

The Ordering type exposes the following members.

Protected field_annotations
Any Annotations (Comments, DocComments, Attributes, or Messages) associated with the CodeObject (null if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_columnNumber
The starting column number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_direction
Protected field_expression
Protected field_formatFlags
Formatting flags - for line feeds, braces, etc.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_lineNumber
The starting line number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_parent
The parent CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Public fieldStatic memberParseTokenAscending
The token used to parse the 'ascending' order.
Public fieldStatic memberParseTokenDescending
The token used to parse the 'descending' order.
See Also