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TypeDefinition Methods

The TypeDefinition type exposes the following members.

Public methodCheckedResolve (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetConstructors
Public methodGetElementType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodGetEnumUnderlyingType
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMethods
Public methodGetNestedType
Public methodGetStaticConstructor
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsTypeOf (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodIsTypeSpecification (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeArrayType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeArrayType(Int32) (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeByReferenceType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeGenericInstanceType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeOptionalModifierType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakePinnedType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakePointerType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeRequiredModifierType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Public methodMakeSentinelType (Inherited from TypeReference.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodResolve (Overrides TypeReferenceResolve.)
Public methodToString (Inherited from MemberReference.)
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodFindExtensionMethods
Search for extension methods on the type with the specified name.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodFindTypeArgument
Find a type argument for the specified type parameter.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodFindTypeArgumentInBase
Find a type argument in a base class for the specified type parameter.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodFindTypeParameterIndex
Find the index of the specified type parameter.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetCategory
Get the category name (field, method, etc).
(Defined by MemberReferenceUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetConstructor
Search for a constructor by name and parameter types. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetConstructors
Search for all methods with the specified name and flags.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetCustomAttribute
Get the custom attribute with the specified name from the ICustomAttributeProvider. If there are multiple attributes with the name, the first one is returned.
(Defined by ICustomAttributeProviderUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetCustomAttributes
Get all custom attributes with the specified name from the ICustomAttributeProvider.
(Defined by ICustomAttributeProviderUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetDelegateParameters
Get the parameters for a delegate type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetDelegateReturnType
Get the return type for a delegate type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetEvent
Search for an event by name. Searches base interfaces.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetFullName
Get the full name of the type or member, including the namespace name.
(Defined by MemberReferenceUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetGenericTypeDefinition
Get the generic type definition if the type is a generic type instance (otherwise, just return the type).
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetIndexer
Search for an indexer by parameter types. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetIndexers
Search for all indexers with the specified flags.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetLocalGenericArgumentCountOverloaded.
Get the number of local generic parameters for the type definition, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetLocalGenericArgumentCountOverloaded.
Get the number of local generic arguments for the type, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetLocalGenericArgumentsOverloaded.
Get the local generic parameters for the type definition, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetLocalGenericArgumentsOverloaded.
Get the local generic arguments for the type, NOT including arguments from any enclosing generic types.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetMembers
Search for all members with the specified name.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetMethod(String)Overloaded.
Find the method with the specified name.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetMethod(String, TypeReference)Overloaded.
Search for a method by name and parameter types. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetMethod(String, BindingFlags, TypeReference)Overloaded.
Search for a method by name, parameter types, and binding flags. Does 'loose' matching on generic parameter types, and searches base interfaces.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetMethods
Search for all methods with the specified name and flags.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetProperty
Search for a property by name. Searches base interfaces.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodGetUnderlyingTypeOfEnum
Get the underlying type of an enum.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodHasCustomAttribute
Determine if the ICustomAttributeProvider has a custom attribute.
(Defined by ICustomAttributeProviderUtil.)
Public Extension MethodHasDynamicType
Determine if the member has a dynamic type.
(Defined by ICustomAttributeProviderUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsAssignableFrom
Determine if the type is assignable from the specified type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsBitFlagsEnum
Determine if the type is a bit-flags style enum.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsComImport
True if the type is a COM Import.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsDelegateType
Determine if the type is a delegate type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsEnum
Determine if the type is an enum.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsFixedBufferType
Determine if the type is a fixed-buffer type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsGenericTypeDefinition
Determine if the type is a generic type definition (as opposed to an instance).
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsImplementationOf
Determine if the type implements the specified interface.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsInternal
Return true if the type is internal, otherwise false.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsNullableType
Determine if the type is a nullable type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsPrivate
Return true if the type is private, otherwise false.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsProtected
Return true if the type is protected, otherwise false.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsStatic
Return true if the type is static, otherwise false.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsSubclassOf
Determine if the type is a subclass of the specified type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsUserClass
Determine if the type is a user-defined class (excludes 'object' and 'string').
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodIsUserStruct
Determine if the type is a user-defined struct (excludes primitive types including 'void' and 'decimal', and enums).
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodMakeArrayType
Make an array type.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
Public Extension MethodNonGenericName
Returns the name without any trailing '`' and type parameter count.
(Defined by TypeDefinitionUtil.)
See Also