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CodeUnit Fields

The CodeUnit type exposes the following members.

Protected field_annotations
Any Annotations (Comments, DocComments, Attributes, or Messages) associated with the CodeObject (null if none).
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_body
The body is always a Block, which in turn may contain zero or more other code objects, and it can also be null in special cases (such as for method signatures with no body, delegate declarations, or a While with the semi-colon on the same line).
(Inherited from BlockStatement.)
Protected field_code
Protected field_columnNumber
The starting column number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_compilerDirectiveSymbols
Compiler directive symbols defined in the current file.
Protected field_expression
The expression should evaluate to a NamespaceRef (whether pre-existing or created by this statement).
(Inherited from NamespaceDecl.)
Protected field_fileName
Protected field_formatFlags
Formatting flags - for line feeds, braces, etc.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_globalAlias
Generated 'extern alias global' statement.
Protected field_isNew
Protected field_isWorkflowCodeBesideFile
Protected field_lineNumber
The starting line number associated with the CodeObject if parsed from or written to text form.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_listedAnnotations
All 'listed' code annotations (Messages and special Comments) for this CodeUnit.
Protected field_name
Protected field_parent
The parent CodeObject.
(Inherited from CodeObject.)
Protected field_SLOC
Protected field_totalLines
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultEncoding
Determines the default source file encoding for files without a BOM prefix or a valid UTF8 sequence (defaults to Windows-1252). Use "UTF8" for UTF8. Use "ISO-8859-1" for Latin1 / extended ASCII.
Public fieldStatic memberListWorkflowFileErrors
Determines if messages in workflow code-beside files (".xoml.cs") are listed.
Public fieldStatic memberSaveChangesToSeparateFile
Determines if changes are saved to a separate ".Nova.cs" file instead of the original.
See Also